The Social Side: A Journey of Social Responsibility

The Social Side is a platform for good news. It’s mission is to highlight a generation of world changers and make news out of the good that is also...

The Social Side is a platform for good news. It’s mission is to highlight a generation of world changers and make news out of the good that is also happening in our world today.


social /ˈsəʊʃəl/


  1. living or preferring to live in a community rather than alone
  2. denoting or relating to human society or any of its subdivisions
  3. of, relating to, or characteristic of the experience, behaviour, and interaction of persons forming group

The Social Side explores the hidden corners of society. The stories feature from an individual who is a hero in their community, to well-established non-profit organizations that are putting up a fight about different causes.

The Social Side is about being socially responsible.

To live a fulfilled life, you must be willing to give back to others. Whether is knowing who your neighbor is or partnering up with friends to volunteer at a back-to-school block party; when it comes to broadcasting the connection of the world, humanity and society, The Social Side’s got you covered. We are here to explore that with you!

“There is a good or “social” side to everything, and finding that side is my mission, I call it my journey. As one of my best friends calls me; I’m the Good News Journalist.” – Carolina Trejos

So sit tight and enjoy the journey. Be part of this movement.

Would you join us in finding The Social Side around the world?

