The recent tragedies have the world moving and shaking for justice and peace. Thousands of people have taken the streets of every state in the U.S. to demand a decent punishment for those responsible for the deaths of George Floye, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many other black lives that have been lost in past years. But the 400-year-old fight that people of color have been enduring has become an issue all of humanity is fighting against now.
As ally communities, Latino, Asian, Indian, it’s everyone’s job to go back to years of history and dismantle some of the events that have been taken place to be able to empathize and do something about it… But more than anything, what we can do now is LISTEN and speak up.
The following women have said some powerful statements. Let’s take the first step and listen up!
Ava, filmmaker
“Think about how you can actively work to dismantle the generations-old systems that encourage and protect police misconduct and murder. Actively. Work. To. Dismantle. Take cues from fellow white people who wanted tans and tattoos, so they marched on state capitols with their guns and wallah! States opened. Swagger into the halls of power that you have access to with outrage on behalf of Black Life. Think about how to defend against police officers who murder us and get away with it. Actively. Work. To. Dismantle.”

Oprah, Media Mogul
“#GeorgeFloyd: We speak your name. But this time we will not let your name be just a hashtag. Your spirit is lifted by the cries of all of us who call for justice in your name!”

Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Activist, Educator, Writer
“No matter how dizzying the day, or who tries to subvert our collective good service, or which elements attempt to silence us, we will never lose sight of the power that is Blackness. All my strength is rooted in God and the skin He gave me.”
Time to remind them just who we are.

Monique Melton: Anti-racism activist, podcaster
“Our stories will be told. Our experiences of injustice will not be silenced. We deserve to be heard, to be seen & to be treated fully in our humanity & we will not be silenced in our persistent pursuit of our total & full liberation.”

Goyo, artist
“El Racismo está en todos lados y el abuso de poder también. ✊🏾 ✊🏽✊🏼✊🏿✊Recuerden que omitir y callar también perpetua las injusticias basadas en cómo nos vemos y de dónde venimos. Está en todos lados, en el mundo, en Latinoamérica.”

Amara la Negra, singer and actress
“El que yo sea latina no me hace menos negra! Y la discriminación no es solamente con los negros también pasa con los latinos! Es tan triste muchos gozan de nuestra música de nuestro arte de nuestras mujeres de nuestros hombres sin embargo en momentos como este veo a muchos callados! Este es el momento de hablar! De actuar! Unidos somos más Fuertes!”.